The Cheapest Way to Lighten Your Climbing Kit

The Cheapest Way to Lighten Your Climbing Kit

Ultralight Chalk Bags - Cylinder small
Forget the eccentric thru-hiker who cuts tags off his clothes and slices his toothbrush in half in order to shave a few ounces. Climbers really pay attention to the weight of their kits, and manufacturers have responded, trumpeting weight reductions in everything from quickdraws to harnesses to helmets. But leave it to Metolius, a gear company founded by a handful of North American climbers back in the ‘80s living around the climbing mecca of Oregon’s Smith Rock State Park, to find a real sweet spot. As hinted in the product name, their new Ultralight Chalk Bag weighs up to 70 percent lighter than others on the market. Weighing in at a measly 30 grams, the new bag will be available in either cylinder or tapered styles. At $23 it may be the cheapest way to lighten your load.
—Nathan Borchelt

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