A Better Bungee

A Better Bungee

Skiers know the backcountry utility of a Voile Strap—sure, they can hold your skis together while you hike a ridge, but they can also fix just about anything that blows up on you out there, from keeping a ski binding or boot together to rigging up a splint. (Three things I always pack—duct tape, lunch, and an extra strap.)

Now adventurer and photographer Cameron Lawson is trying to introduce our favorite do-it-all tool to the masses. Enter “TitanStraps” — a workforce-grade Voile strap for tying down ladders, cinching together rope, bundling loads, dangling buckets quite attractively outside dirty windows (see below), etc. Got fat skis? There’s one that’s 25-inches long.

And while we’re on the topic—the inventor, Cameron Lawson, is a bit of a badass. He and his partner Brett DeWoody biked and pack-rafted 350 miles along Alaska’s “Lost Coast” between Yukatat and Codova. You can see from some of his photos (shared here courtesy of Cameron and Patagonia.com) where the obession with straps may have come from.

Check out the rest here.

TitanStraps secure buckets

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